Very nice. Are you going to do the leather build up for the handle this time? I am thinking of doing a leather build up after watching how you do it in a couple of your build alongs, and was wondering if you can use any type of leather? I am wondering if I can find some that will be easy to rasp and file. I got some thicker scraps I am thinking of using. I wanted to use cork, but I haven't found any yet. I think home depot has a roll of cork material, which would probably be perfect, but I don't feel like spending 20 bucks right now.

I'm a cheapo...
EDIT: Wait a minute, is that leather on the handle already? Or wood?
EDIT 2: Ok, reread your post, I see you are going with a deep narrow handle. I like that style of handle anymore, as the arrows fly better I think. Easier on spine.