so, opening day of deer is tomorrow for me, so i decided to watch a deer hunting show on television called "bucks of tecamote." even though it is rifle hunting, i figured it would be nice to see some deer before tomorrow. all throughout the show there were these monster bucks, eating next to other monster bucks, and there were these weirdo's in trees trying to decide wether to shoot at them or not.
about halfway through the show, my wife (who rifle hunts with me) looks at me and says "what's the point?"
all i could say was "i dunno". they talked about their food plots and growing systems so much my wife asked me if it was an infomercial or a hunting show.
then these guys shoot these bucks of a lifetime, and don't whoop, holler, or show any real excitment. you can look at them breathing and tell they didn't even get "the rush".
whats the point. i was disgusted. can't wait to go try and shoot a doe that will be my "trophy of a lifetime" tomorrow. can't eat the dang antlers anyway-they talk about "growing" the deer so much, i started thinking, "i bet i could run hunts on my farm for black angus that i grow real big on high sugar grasses and clover. hmmmm, 420 acres,.... four board fence.....just enough room to sound like fair chase......i bet i would get customers if i did it. rediculous.