beautiful doe, 11 yards, broadside, slowly walking, singled out a rib behind the shoulder, drew, and forgot to adjust my aim since she was so close. i patted her on the back with the shaft but not the point. ohh how my heart was pumping. i plucked one hair from her back which was stuck in the thread wrap on my fletch. it was really cool though, because she stuck around for about 15 minutes, and i say her turn and lick the top of her back where i slapped it. perfect left right, just high cause i brain farted. so much fun, best hunt of the season by far. saw some more, but no shots. can't complain at all, i love that feeling. even when you misss you can't help but put your hand on your chest to make sure your hear strays iisde your ribcage

oh yeah, broke my stone point too, and boy was the break sharp. had it broken on the shoulder it wohyld have done some serious damage. deer 2, keith 0. game i love to play, with the odds just right so far.