nice work on that deer skin!
you can get cabinet scrapers through woodworker supply have that curvy one available.
If i don't have time to brain-soften right away after scraping the hair off , I'll cut it off the frame, roll it up and store it dry.
If after scraping hair, i'm ready to brain it, i'll rub blender pureed cooked brain "soup" on while its stretched,...both sides, let it soak till its soft enough to fold,then cut it off.
submerse the hide 6 times in brain solution and twisting it out each time for maximum penetration.
then i'll hang it to dry a bit,checking on it often so it doesn't get too dry.
I actually do a lot of the softening using a cable strapped to a post i use it for pulling and stretching. final stage i use my feet and hands in front of the wood stove,
drop a corner of it on the floor ,step on it and pull upwards and just keep at it till its dry. i'll put up some pics of my last two "finished" hides... but they aren't smoked yet.
softening on the frame using an axe handle or other rubbing tool DOES have get a very nice soft FLAT hide. BUT its also difficult to get that final softness (like flannel) you get by a cable or rope. it also makes some areas extremely thin ,where as tugging and pulling allows the thinner areas to compress a little more?
if any stiff spots show up on the hide when its dry you can always send it back to the brain solution.