The Excitement is almost palpable...
Thank You PA, Trade Moderators and Calendargirl for making it all happen.
It's coming up on three years from the point at which my Uncle handed my a Fist Sized chunk of Bodark an said "See what you can do with this".
I still remember how Unremarkable I thought it looked...
Think I compared the color to "Baby Poo"' and thought what the heck is my uncle thinking...
He gave me a knowing smile and sent me on my way.
He was Right of course.
Once I had a finish on that small piece and saw it Glow and Shimmer in the light I was Hooked.
Another month's worth of research and I bought my First Stave of Yeller Wood.
It's been down hill from there.
Can one Man, or Woman for that matter, ever have too much Osage?
Me thinks Not!
Let The Games Begin... Y'all!