Author Topic: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)  (Read 51515 times)

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2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« on: January 28, 2013, 04:47:51 pm »
Welcome to the 2013 Primitive Archer Bow Trade




I will be heading up the trade this year and have formed a committee of 4 other folks. If there is any issue or problem that should come up the committee will then discuss and make a decision.


The committee members are:



Pearl Drums




If anyone has any questions please ask here and do not send us PM's,one of us will answer your question. The members and I will be watching the sign up very thoroughly.


Deadline to sign up will be a week from today on February 4th at midnight est.


Deadline to ship will be by August 15th




RULE #1: You must have been a member of this site for at least 3 months. This is only trying to ensure that we have a basic idea and understanding of who folks are that are trying to sign up,and if they are someone who will only ship a bow that has an acceptable tiller,and most importantly are they someone who will fulfill there vow to the relationship of this community. I will make one exception to this rule,and that is if you feel like you have made proven bows and trades. For example if you just signed up to primitive archer but have been making bows for awhile before signing up,or if you were involved with the trade over on trad gang and just signed up here because you want to do this trade as well. Feel free to speak up in this thread if you feel like you would want to join but haven't been a member for 3 months,and the committee will discuss and vote on it.


RULE #2: During the sign up if a member doesn't know much about you,it will be brought to my attention and discussed. If for some reason we feel like we need more answers to know who you are better,do not be offended if you get a pm from one of us wanting to know more about you. And please don't be offended if we feel like you are just not quite ready yet.


RULE #3: If you are under the age of 18 you must receive permission from your parents,and your parents must contact Pat or me via phone number first before signing up...Pats number is 828-884-6205...and my phone number is real name is Chris,so ask for me.


The next set of rules is how you will go about signing up.


RULE #4: First in this thread you will state that you are in..second state whether you are right handed or left you will give a draw weight within ten pounds....then you will state a draw length within 4"....and lastly you must state usa shipping only or if you are ok shipping out of the usa,or if you are in another country and where your comfortable to ship..this is a bow trade and you will receive what someone else makes for you...don't ask for a specific bow...or any other specifics as to what you want or don't want on a bow. Remember this is about you making a bow for someone else first,and not just to receive a bow.


For example: Im in...right handed....50-60 pounds.....24-28". .usa shipping only...then you must comply with the next rule(#5)


RULE #5: YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS STEP IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE. You must send pearl drums(Chris) a pm with your legal real name...your address where you want the bow sent...and your phone number. This information will be held confidentially on a spreadsheet created by pearl drums. If Chris does not receive all of this required information your name will not be going into the drawing of names and you will not be a part of this years trade.


For example:


Chris Driesenga..aka..Blackhawk.

111 smith st




my phone # is 111-111-1111


obviously that's not my real address and number for private concerns,and only used this as a public example



RULE #6: If for some reason you receive a bow,but for some legitimate reason cannot send one out you must contact me,and I will tell you to send it on to the person your supposed to make and send a bow too. If you do not send the bow you received to your recipient you will be banned from any other future trades,and your name will be going into Eddie Parkers(mullet) blackbook...and trust me you do not want to be put in his book. Communication goes a long ways....just let us know if you are having life issues,or problems with your build and we will work with you. We want to help you and that's what the committee is here for.


RULE #7: You must check in occasionly on the "2013 PA Bow Trade Works In Progress" thread. Even if your not building one yet please check in. I will post a name of all the names in this years trade at the start of the works in progress thread. If any of us see you haven't checked in for awhile don't be surprised if you get a pm from one of us asking you how things are going,and if we don't hear back from you in a week after sending out the pm we will be trying to contact you via your phone number. Communication...communication....communication please...I cant stress this rule enough. If you have a problem let us this day and age there is no excuse for you not to be able to contact one of us.....heres my phone number in case your computer crashes,and you cant borrow a neighbors/friend/relatives computer to check in and let me know,or you cant get to a local library to get on a # is 724-843-2729. PLEASE WRITE MY NUMBER DOWN NOW!!!!   If after all this and you don't respond back to me I will tell your builder to not send it until I hear back from you.



The trade is open internationally. But you must comply with rule #4.

Once all the names are compiled they will be sent to Calendergirl(Marie),and she will draw the names for us and send you a pm with the person and his or her stats and address  you are supposed to build and send a bow to. DO NOT CONTACT THIS PERSON. Remember its a secret,and you don't want to ruin the surprise.

And don't be a procrastinator....I know we have six months to build a bow,but don't let that give you a false sense of security. Get started right away!!!!!


Primitive Archer is not responsible for any of this trade..and they are allowing us to use their site for this trade.


LETS HAVE A GREAT TRADE THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  ;D

With all that said.............lets get this party started...ill kick it off by saying..........

Im in.....right handed........50-60 pounds.......24-28" draw.........usa shipping only



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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 04:52:10 pm »
Let the games begin!

Please keep in mind I only need real names and shipping info sent to me, NO BOW INFO please.

Good luck, have fun and PLEASE ask questions if need be, and communicate throughout your process. Enjoy!

« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 11:07:12 am by PEARL DRUMS »
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline RBLusthaus

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 05:09:33 pm »
I'm in too.  Right handed.  45-55 pounds at 26-30 draw.  USA or Canada shipping only.

I had a blast last year and am very happy to be playing along again. 


Offline Bryce

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 05:11:32 pm »
I know I said I wasn't in this year, but after reading that... I'm game.

Right handed
24-28" draw.

US only
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline steelslinger

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 05:12:55 pm »
Right handed 50-60 pounds 26-30" draw(30" is full draw). USA shipping only.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 11:14:30 am by steelslinger »

Offline ionicmuffin

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 05:42:29 pm »
I'm in.
Right handed
50-60 #
26-30" draw.
USA only.
Amo innectis arcus- I love crafting bows (latin)

Offline autologus

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 06:07:12 pm »
I'm in.
Right Handed
45 - 55#   50# prefered
25 - 29" draw.  28"draw prefered
USA only

« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 12:59:56 pm by autologus »
Proud Hillbilly from Arkansas.

Offline turtle

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 06:10:25 pm »
Im in

Right handed
Usa only
Steve Bennett

Offline paulsemp

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2013, 06:12:14 pm »
Im in
right handed
50-60 pounds
usa shipping only

Offline danny f

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2013, 06:24:37 pm »
im in
right handed
uk or usa shipping only

Offline ionicmuffin

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 06:25:43 pm »
If worse comes to worse, and all the staves I'm working on break, are boards an acceptable alternative? Didn't read anything in the rules about that(unless i missed it) I have enough staves, but i want to make sure that if they are broken that i can still fulfill my side of the trade. Although, i strongly doubt that they will all break.
Amo innectis arcus- I love crafting bows (latin)

Offline coaster500

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2013, 06:30:22 pm »
Right handed..
Ideal 45@27 but 42 to 52 will work
can shoot 26 and to 29 the inch draw
Will ship anywhere for you overseas chaps

Lets have a blast!!!
Inspiration, information and instruction by the ton and it's free,,, such a deal :)

Offline Carson (CMB)

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2013, 06:33:24 pm »
I'm in
right handed
50 - 65 # draw weight
25-29" draw length
International shipping OK

Way to be organized trade bow committee!
"The bow is the old first lyre,
the mono chord, the initial rune of fine art
The humanities grew out from archery as a flower from a seed
No sooner did the soft, sweet note of the bow-string charm the ear of genius than music was born, and from music came poetry and painting and..." Maurice Thompso

Offline Squirrelslayer

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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2013, 06:44:03 pm »
im in also

right handed
international shipping OK

really looking forward to this trade.
WARNING: posts may contain nuts. - check out my forum, and if you like what you see... Join!

also on YouTube


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Re: 2013 PA Bow Trade...PLEASE READ ALL RULES FIRST(pg. 1)
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2013, 06:49:15 pm »
im in also

right handed
international shipping OK

really looking forward to this trade.

I URGE you to read the rules complete, please.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.