64: ntn, 48#/28". 1.5" wide to taper. Stave was only 1" deep, so handle is built up a bit with scraps (mahogany, boo veneer, and hickory). Osage tip overlays. Has a bit of set when unstrung, returns to touch of reflex with rest. knot bump and curvy area on upper limp. from 2.5" sapling. It was kind of flattended on that side and I could have got 1.75" wide easy, but for some reason I went with 1.5" width. Stave was deflexed some at ends, heated in correction and 2.5" overall reflex. Nice shooting bow. I'll make a bigger one with the other half.
One note, to cure this, I debarked and did a kerf saw cut almost all the way through. Open so it would dry, but held rigid, strategy to limit twist in drying.
Hmm. Cut off a little area in in braced and unbraced pics. Sorry. Can't see too well and I hate asking someome to take my pics
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