I recently made my first bow from european black cherry but the design was low stress and i never got the feel for the wood in that one.
So i took a short stave and set out to stress it to death

. I like to look at shorties but i prefer to shoot at my natural drawlength as my precision suffer badly
when i dont.
The stave was r/d on one side and straight on the other but only a slight twist so nice but too short.
Anyway i quickly whittled out a generic 54" long 2"wide at the fades and 1/2" tips bow..why bother with skinny tips on a bow thats gonna fail i thought.
Well after tillering it i started to push it...but it just refused to fail,i even pulled it to 27" and measured it to 43# at that draw.
Naturally it took some set,but less than i thought and it dont get worse". So here are some pics of the little bugger.

Its feels good to know i have 5 fine long staves from the same log
