My favorite is one I cut of elm. It is my third bow I ever built and has served me these last 3 years very well. I cut the tree down with my K-Bar military fighting/survival knife, and made the bow start to finish with it. Not even sand paper touched it. I used the tip of my steel toed combat boots as the for to recurve the tips. This old elm bow has literally been my crutch to lean on when I fell from a tree on year while hunting. I hit the deck, heard my ankle pop, and used the bow to help me get the 1/4 mile out the woods. The heck of it all is, a huge doe was in the field where I parked the truck. SOB! haha, 1/4 mile into the woods, fallin from trees, and the deer are hangin out by the truck.
Here it is before I put the recurves in. I always tiller a bow out before doing those.

And after working on the recurves,
Then the way it is now

I love this bow, and would run into a burning building to get it. It is like my best friend. I know I can count on this bow for the rest of my life.