I reckon I just am developing a rash for punishment, so I came up with this idea. I would love to see some folks ( me included ) put up some staves on here to swap. Why? Well I have seen some staves in the What have you been avoiding? thread I created that just made me drool..... I reckoned others were drooling too. Logic being, if we all have staves we have been avoiding, and others want them, maybe others have staves we want also?
So I propose this, We all post staves that have a chance ( none of the, of course that wouldnt make a bow, its all rot staves ) but we are too iffy to touch. Then we all trade one stave for another. You dont have to trade with the person you are getting a stave from, but you only get one stave and you must have one to give to somebody.
To make it fun, I would like to have at least 10 folks on this, and try to have a bow built of your trade stave in say, 4 months? That way we can work on the bows passively without stress. And to add to the fun, maybe ( participants can vote on this one ) the bows we make we swap with the person we traded from. Try to be sure there is a bow in there somewhere, or you may not get a bow! Of course, there is a reason we have avoided the staves we are trading, and the staves may break. Anyways, its an idea for fun. If you have a stave, post it on here, only after ten folks have posted will we start the trade.
If lots of folks show interest real quick, I will wait until a day or two passes after the last stave has been put on the thread for trade. When I say go, start your stave grab, first come first serve. I will say go shortly after midnight ( 1230 am is when I get off work to say go ) on the choosen day. Just tomake it fair, I will wait until at least 3 people have grabbed their stave before I pick. That way I aint got a head start

So what say yall?