Stickbender - I'll do that, thanks!
Stringstretcher - I saw that earlier. The thing is shipping rates can be pretty high to the states from here. It cost me $40 just to send and armguard down there a while ago, so I'd have to make it worth my while. Plus I don't know if I want to get rid of any just yet

Beadman, I think I'll look into that. I know Tandy Leather sells some kind of tanning solution, but I haven't looked into what type it is.
Pearly - I've worked with raw beaver tails before, and I just think they would be more useful being tanned.
I haven't really looked through the bag yet, it's still sitting frozen in the trunk of my car. I'm not sure how many are even in there, but some of the them looked pretty big!
Thanks for the suggestions guys.