Hope you guys don't mind me asking so many questions - really wanna get this right!
Ok, with the issue of marking out the stave sorted, I've reached the point where I need to decide what to do with this tricky fork at the end. It's about 10" from the tip, and splits into three. There are three clear heartlines, and I'm not sure which to follow when laying out the tip.
This shows the heartlines forking into three.

This centre heartline turns into kinda fluffy obscure sapwood, and I don't think there is any heartwood underneath it. But as somebody mentioned earlier in the thread, it's not doing much bending this far into the tip, so may not be as important.

And this shows a clearer picture of the three separate forks

I think I'd rather take the left-hand heartline as my centre line, as it looks far more solid. However that would mean heat-bending the tip back into line with the rest of the stave. While this isn't a problem in practice, it would mean that I would have to bisect the other two heartlines right where all the bending will happen. Would this weaken the bow here?
Sort of like this I suppose

Black line would be the centre line of the bow, red lines are the intended outside edges, and blue crosses are where the other two heartlines would be sliced through, with the blue circle the meeting point of everything. How artistic!
Apologies for reviving what is probably a boring thread for you guys who know what you're doing - I'm probably overthinking this and should just get on with it! Many thanks for any tips or advice!