Thanks alot for your compliments...whatt is interesting aboute this bow, is that, i manage to tiller this bow, in 20 minutes...i did som floor tillering first, and try to make the entire limb of the bow do a little bend, and whenn i put it to the tiller tree, the bottomb limb wass done, and the top limb, i had to do a little scraping , and it wass done in 20 minutes...i wass realyy happy with that...

....the ratio between heart wood, and saap wood, is arrounde 50-50....aniway, its realy a weird piece of yew, becose at one end, there is no clear separation, between saap wood and heart seam to be only heart wood, and some kind of saap wood ...but it dosent have that wite clear colore...its kinda between...wite, and brown...a combination or something like that...probably becose the diameter of the branch, wass kinda small...

Here is one of the tips that i wass talking u can see better ....there is no clear definition of saap looks like there is only heart wood... i think there is still enugh heart wood on those limbs ....and aniway, the bow is a light bow...its not verry powerfull....i dont know, iff it would have been ok, iff it where to be 50lbs or so...