For the record Im not trying to do anything more than help you figure out why your limbs do this, its not normal and adding a more positive brace wont fix it for you. I can shut up and you can continue on with your quest if you want me to. Its no problem here.
Oh come on, it was just a little joke. I said 1/16", you said 1/4", etc etc...

Anyway, Yes the bottom limb I guess is taking set here, you are correct, what I meant is that neither limb appeared to take any measurable string follow most of the time, (pretty sure anyway) and I guess set would be the wrong word to use here. (It's 5 hours before I usually get up at 4:00 PM , gimme a break yall,

) And yes, all bows that I had do this on me I have fixed by weakening the upper limb, effectively producing a more positive tiller. Which I am stating to think I should of done in the first place.