Thank you. I cut the coyotes legs right down the back and all the way down to the toes right through the middle of the thick pad.
Well, this isn't the pad here but an idea of what goes into tanning these properly.

It is a little time consuming to skin the toe bones out of the little animals but they look much better WITH them!
I have a lot of practice skinning these but when I first began I would cut my own skin fairly often! Just have to practice caution and use extreme patience!
I must enjoy doing this skinning thing is all I can say, seems kind of strange to me too as there weren't even any hunters in my family.. I have three older siblings, all brothers and they all think it's pretty gross, lol.. probably because it is a challenge to slip the skins from the carcasses with little to no damage, and then to try to preserve the skins so that the animals look like they're just sleeping is kind of an accomplishment.. they are all so beautiful.
this coyote was one of my favorite ones. So pretty. We have coyote hunters that hunt with dogs just down the street from me. The year before last or maybe it was even last year.. not sure which.. but they killed something like 57 of them.. crazy. I skinned something like 40 of them.. too many.. just overwhelmed with them! I only tanned several of those 40! most were frozen to begin with. Total horror! coyote SHOULD teach you to laugh at your own foolishness and hopefully learn from your mistakes!