In the first bow making years I have damaged a bulk of staves. Of course sometimes because I wasn't experienced enough, but most because I hadn't patience to let them dry out. Since some years my stave arsenal grew up and I now I have the great advantage being able to work on several staves at the same time. So I became used to work on at least 8 or 10 staves / bows at the same time. Sometimes a stave became a bow in a few days, sometimes it takes years because I have no appetite on this one or searching for ideas to continue.
How is your experience?
Here are pics from 4 unfinished bows.
1. Osage static recurve (for my honey), should be in the 40# (will be posted in a few days)
2. Apple flat about 70#
3. Cornus mas (don't know the engl. word) about 80#
4. Elm Elb (too much for me!, here with about 90# draw - my limit, would need Druid's strength!!), still to do some tiller work. this is a natural grown set back handle

would be nice to some of yours ......