Yep Stringman what Roy showed is exactly how I do it.Thanks Roy.A picture is worth a thousand words.It's just like what Dean torges form is like.Adjustable also.
The fellas who showed me to do glue ups have done hundreds if not thousands of bows that a way,and by the way blackhawk those fellas are not novices using smooth on either.Never used Unibond but I'm sure it's good stuff.Your idea of filling those gaps should work if they are'nt like 1/4" deep.Hedge can handle that thicker bamboo without crushing but it's really not the right way.You'll end up reducing your hedge quite thin for your poundage.I would'nt over reduce your nodes on your bamboo either on the back side.The natural top view taper of your bamboo takes care of your tiller mostly.Reducing your bamboo to the same thickness the whole length and Roy's right don't crush a line on the back of that bamboo with a c clamp.
You're gonna like what you'll get.The handle you can get creative with putting thin 1/8" slats in between for accents etc.bloodwood,purpleheart,the list is endless.