Author Topic: a question on splicing  (Read 1073 times)

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Offline KShip85

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a question on splicing
« on: January 13, 2013, 01:54:39 am »
I'm looking at starting my next project before too long which is going to be a maple backed erc molle.  Right now the erc I will be backing is a little over 58" long with somewhere around 3-4" natural deflex. I'd like to end up with around 66" or so when all is said and done so I will need to splice in some levers.  My question is how is the best way to go about this?  Should I apply the backing to the erc and then splice levers in or splice levers in and attempt to back it all?  I'm not sure how I would go about applying the maple backing strip after splicing the levers in since they will have reflex to make up for the deflex in the stave.  I'd guess backing it all would help in reinforcing the glue joint.  Should I try and splice the levers with a curve instead of a sharper angle so the backing can be clamped down?  I'm worried that a sharp angle on the splice would not allow me to back it all.  Sorry if I'm rambling just trying to make sense of this process in my head.

Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN

Offline TRACY

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Re: a question on splicing
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 09:55:42 am »
Take a look at this thread in the how to Kip.,983.0.html

It is what it is - make the most of it!    PN500956

Offline KShip85

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Re: a question on splicing
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 01:40:11 pm »
Thanks for the post Tracy, I'll use that when I get to cutting.  Does it change much when doing a backed stave or inducing reflex at the joint?

Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN