Wife: How do you plead on the following charges?
Boiling horn in pan until burnt? Husban: Uh,,,, really hard to say right now
Taking up refrigerator freezer space with frozen sinew glue? Uh,,,,, there's only a few containers,,,
Leaving bows on kitchen table? Uh,,, you mean today?
Shredding sinew and sorting on coffee table Uh,,,I clean up the mess?
Coming in for dinner from the shop smelling like fresh sturgeon? Uh ,,,Totally guilty

Making extreme mess of deer hide hair from working hides. The pressure washer did it!
Filling cooler with fish skins while on vacation. Didn't want to waist them?
Bows hanging on drop lamps? Just need to dry a little more!
Four thousand piles of stupid sticks,,,,, Yes, but they are not all good staves
Spending days after ice storm searching the area for downed trees, Yes, being frugal
Looking for staves while on date walk Guilty as charged
Gathering goose feathers while walking sandy shores with wife. Not much different them collecting sea shells on the beach?
Slamming on brakes to check dead snake. Sometimes they are still good?