well....its been a couple weeks since I last touched this one...I don't want my little big buddy passing me up on his r/d stave

the stave lost 1.2 ounces in two weeks,and needed some more floor tillering to reduce some more weight to be heat corrected and shaped
this first picture is the bottom limb first since its tips were further behind than the tops....I just reflexed mid limbs on

next I did the same thing to the top limb

now this only reflexed from mid limbs on in both limbs, and it put my tips a half inch behind the handle still(not enough for me)...I didn't want to have to put much if any heat to where those knot holes are...and my string tracking was looking like it was on the wrong side of the handle....so I went for one more heating session to put some reflex out of the fade area and to move my string tracking over....so over the two by four it went with some creative ingenuity(isn't that how it always goes)
next picture shows it over the two by four...it looks like I have uneven reflex,but I had to overcompensate a little because the right limb had more reflex than the left

and heres a shot showing how I moved my string tracking over heating the fades of the handle

and heres what she looks like after unclamped

and the string now looks to favor the correct side....and now shes ready to start some serious bending and tip overlays