Wow. Sounds like I touched a nerve.
It's very interesting to read everyone's comments. Thanks for sharing! Us lesser "Homemade bow" people have to stick together.
Don't get me wrong he was not trying to look down on me.... (just my bows)

by any means. He was actually trying to be nice.
He genuinely just doesn't understand. In fact I'm positive that it's been our conversations over the last few years that has given him the motivation to get back into archery which I think is really cool.
I had no intention of drawing some kind of battle line or something between two camps. Not at all. I just thought it would be fun to share and was interested in hearing other peoples examples of encountering ignorance.
Now I have seen some people obviously looking down on me and my equipment at the range. In fact one day my bro and I were out shooting our "homemade bows" and had our stuff all set up on a table at the 30 yard target and were preparing to shoot. While we were stringing our bows two guys with their compound bows came walking right up and started shooting right there where we were set up. They acted like they owned the place and we had no business being there and our stuff was merely an annoyance. These guys were just jerks plain and simple. Having "compound" bows didn't make them jerks they would have been jerks with golf clubs, bowling balls, squirt guns, or whatever they were using.
I have also had some people with compound bows take quite a bit of time asking me questions about how I made my bows and were obviously impressed showing quite a bit of interest etc. ...I'm sure you guys have had that happen as well. Fun stuff!
I have a friend who hunts with a compound bow and we have had several conversations about archery and my adventures in bow making. He will go so far as to smile and call himself a cheater. I say "no you aren't dude you just do things differently". He smiles and says "no, I'm cheating." He has a geat deal of admiration for traditional archery. I think he goes with modern equipment because he doesn't get to get out and hunt as much as he would like and wants to give himself as much opportunity to be successful as possible. I totaly respect that. He's a cool guy.
Cool people will be cool no matter what they are using too.
I wish I had a awesome hunting story of my own and hopefully I'll change that this year. For now I need to improve my accuracy so I can feel good about actually killing something I'm trying to hit rather than injuring it and feeling horrible.
I'll have to go to the range with my friend from work...or even make him a bow. I'm sure once he shoots one a light will go off in his mind.