So recently me and a buddy of mine just kind of jumped into the bow making scene, but all we've really had to go on are general how to's online and other internet tips. I've kinda been just feeling my way through the dark these past couple weeks and I've hit the point where I need to ask some experienced craftspeople for advice, mostly to do with backing because I'm pretty paranoid about maiming myself with a poorly made bow

so apologies beforehand for a massive amount of questions
1. I have a pair of knots going parallel to the grain (kind of like a pair of speed humps on a road if that clarifies things), so my carving's gotten kinda messy around those bumps, should i take a file and sand those down? or just use the file to clean up the area around them and leave the actual knots alone?
2. how thin does my rawhide need to be to back the bow properly? I'm using an unwound and flattened piece that used to be a dog chew
3.will sandpaper be enough to sand down the rawhide when it's dry to get it to the right thickness
4. how much will a backing increase my draw length? i'm still around 4 inches from my target of 28", and if there isn't a surefire answer, is it possible for me to back the bow and then tiller the bow more if the backing isn't enough to reinforce the bow for another 4 inches?
5. when i was tillering, there were a couple times where i head a sudden cracking noise, there's no visible damage, but how worried should i be? I did remove more wood from the limbs after that to get some more length
6. Can someone give me a quick explanation on how backing works? some sites said that backing could give the bow a bit of recurve, but if the hide shrinks as it drys, wouldn't it pull the wood backwards and give it a curved shape less optimal for getting a lot of force to the arrow?
I did take note of the problems in the limb bends (mostly on the limb to the viewer's right) and marked some areas i'm going to remove more wood from to normalize the bow's arc, but advice on this would still be appreciated
I know there's a lot of stuff to read and answer here, but thank's in advance for getting through all that text and any info that you guys might have