Welp, it blew up already.

Job well done,

. Before I could even get it braced no doubt. I told you you were being too optimistic okie64. Although I did have it bending alot farther past where brace height would of been on the longstring, exercising the limbs a bit before I get er braced, or I was figuring at the time, when the bottom limb blew. Really, it would of only been about 50# or so I would think, not much more. If anything I would blame the silk, as the tiller was pretty good, and it did seem to fail before anything else. Never using silk again. I figure if I had used the good strong linen I had been using for the past couple years, I figure at this weight and length it wouldn't of failed by any means. This silk was the only 100% silk I can get locally, so this will be the last time I use silk as a backing. Funny enough, it didn't fail at that knot, or raise a splinter from a run off, it actually just out right broke where the grain was pretty good without any run offs?

lol I think the bottom limb was probably too short for how I was working it too, I gotta get into the swing of things again, I'm too used to working osage and hackberry where I don't have to treat the wood like a time bomb.