All of the above. The fat, like said for tallow, candles, soap, pemican, smearing it on fire kindling, etc.
The hooves can also be made into hide glue. The marrow for soups, stews, and broths. The bone can be crushed, or ground, and used to make case hardened steel. Ulna for awl, or needle, Shoulder blade for a hoe, or cut saw teeth into one edge, and grind them flat, thin, and sharp, and use for cutting grasses, and reeds, and such. Use the shoulder blades as large spatulas for removing cooking pots, from the fire, or use as large paddle tongs to do the same thing. Doing scrimshaw on them, and setting them on the mantle. Use the head meat, and tongue for food. I have read where some of the plains tribes would take a buffalo stomach, and put chunks of meat in it, with the original contents still in there, and a little water, and tie off the ends, and put it on the coals. I would imagine the woodland Indians would do much the same with deer. Oh boy, doesn't that sound yummy!

Sounds like the N.A. Version of the Scot's Haggis, or however it is spelled. It is a nasty concoction of various meats, and chunks of fat, and whatever runs across the counter, and stuffed into a sheep stomach!

I always thought, if I ever got to Scotland, I would try it just to say I did. I would not buy the whole thing, I would try to get someone else to buy it, and then I would take a bite or two.

The deer bladder could be used as a canteen, or dried, and sealed off, and made into a ball of sorts, for the kids to play with. The southern kids used to use pig bladders for the same thing. Could use the hide, and head of a buck, or I guess even a doe, and use it to get close to deer, during the rut. The antlers, can be sawed into thin sections for buttons. Not to mention for rattling during the rut. The scrotum, can be tanned, and made into a change purse, or mojo pouch for your wo ti stone, or ......" ball ".....pouch,

flints, picks,caps, Muzzle covers, etc. for your muzzle loading rifle, or pistol. That's about all I can think of, to add to the list.
