Author Topic: fox dispatch  (Read 5312 times)

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Offline Squirrelslayer

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fox dispatch
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:57:31 pm »
ok i know i have alot of fox related posts but im going to be traping a fox soon and wan't to know how to dispatch it without breaking the skull or making any holes in the pelt is there any way i could do it? maybe break the neck but then i would have to wrestle it wouldent i ? (i guess that would make a good vid me trying to wrestle a fox) >:D. and to save anyone the troble. yes i have checked and it is legal to trap and kill foxes where i live.  any sugestions will be great. :D
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Offline Ifrit617

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 05:03:02 pm »
A single .22 shot between the eyes is the easiest, fastest and most humane way to do it. I WOULD NOT suggest breaking its neck.


Offline killir duck

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 05:17:24 pm »
i've heard of guys hitting them hard on the top of the head with a shovel then while there stunned standing on top of their heart right behind the shoulder for about a minute, i don't know if it works or not, i always just put a 22. cb or 22. short between the blinkers or behind the ear
PRIMITIVE ARCHERY what other way can you play with sticks and rocks all day and not look like a little kid

Every time i shoot at a bunny i recall the wise words of Elmer Fudd "I've got you now you waskally wabbit!"

Offline danny f

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 06:04:05 pm »
well i dont think you would want to try and break its neck,  it would be very difficult to do without being bitten,  if you havent handled live foxes before, they are very quick and fiesty,  i have been bitten by one and it doesnt tickle. i have handled lots of live foxes as we used to release them rather than kill them as we just did it for the sport rather than pest control.   the best way would be a club if you dont have a firearm.   

Offline boughnut

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 06:16:38 pm »
shoot it through the eye socket with a powerful .177 air rifle.  or 22 short low velocity round.  If you can get him on his back since you have to slit the belly side open anyway angle a 22 low velocity short up through his belly into his heart.

Offline Squirrelslayer

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 06:21:51 pm »
yeah no, i dont have a gun if i did i'd probably take a heart shot, could i take a club to the back of his neck.
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Offline jeffhalfrack

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 06:46:34 pm »
  I  have  a lot  to say please don't take anything as a threat ,challenge, insult I want to help,,,first to answer your question a three foot hard wood broom stick and a rap on the bridge of the nose will do it,,if you don't have the nerve try stamp collecting!!  You  owe that  animal  respect and quick dispatch!! you owe fellow trappers respect  you need to learn how to use your catch pole and cull a non prime animal,,,we (Trappers)  don't  need to  be seen  pounding the crap  out of a trapped animal!!  we  don't  need  to  be  seen shooting many  holes  into a trapped  animal,, you  need to not  be  seen at all  it isn't pretty  but  it's fair  you shouldn't have any need for a non prime fur bearer!!  or  any non target animal ,,,when you use the stick method there is a  what I call  a  kick out time it's tough to watch ,,,,But you made the choice ,,you could have let the animal go,,,I carry a couple burlap feed bags sewn together as to calm things down,,also helps with culling  use like a blanket  ,,make a catch pole  and learn to use it!!!  I can release a skunk most of the time with no spray (not all the time :-[) I really hope I don't sound bad but  you are on the right track and there are many here far more qualified than me to help,, good luck  sorry I got on my soap box but  trapping is a great thing and it has helped me in more way$$  than fresh air,, lets all  have a great time out doors and thanks for letting  me  vent!! JeffW  and btw I choose foot holds  for these above reasons

Offline Ifrit617

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 06:50:00 pm »
yeah no, i dont have a gun if i did i'd probably take a heart shot, could i take a club to the back of his neck.

If you want to kill humanely I would not trap until you get one. Buy a single shot youth .22 for 99 bucks. It will do the job and be humane. If not, than in my opinion you have no right to be taking the lives of a trapped fur bearer. Especially not with a club.


Offline jeffhalfrack

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2013, 07:17:07 pm »
I did fotget to mention I do. Carry a. 22 as a plan, "B" you can exhale now. I have been doing this since 1974 JeffW

Offline lowell

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2013, 10:52:14 pm »
When I caught them years ago I would give them a "tap" on the nose with a stick and them being so high strung...the tap on the nose would seem to knock them to the ground and a firm stump on the chest would kill them.  I don't ever remember shooting one.

  No blood and no holes in the pelt!!

  It did not work for coon!!! ;)
My son says I shoot a stick with a stick!!

Offline TRACY

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2013, 09:09:21 pm »
If you want to be skilled and proficient,then Jeff gave you great and accurate info. I feel like you were extremely polite and tactful Jeff. A fox has more nerves in the bridge of the nose and a sharp but swift blow will humanely and ethically dispatch the animal if that is the end goal.

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Offline DQ

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2013, 10:14:24 pm »
Squirrelslayer, may I suggest that you join one of the trapping forums on the internet?  There are some great forums available where experienced trappers can answer your questions.  Use of the search function will teach you all you need to know about fox trapping and proper use of the resource.  Please don't take this suggestion as criticism, I've learned a lot from the trapping forums myself.  Good luck with your fox!

Offline handirifle

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Re: fox dispatch
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2013, 12:09:41 am »
All the foxes or coons I ever caught were dispatched with a 22 into the forehead.  Death is instant and sure.   First off, no one uses this part of the fur anyway, and second there is little if any blood.  There is one hole if you shoot straight on, since the bullet travels into the neck and body. 

I agree with the others, the fox or any other critter deserves a quick death.  Trust me in this, yo want ALL of your trapping banned, let some one see you either stepping on its chest or clubbing it, and it won't be long before the video is on Youtube and PETA is camping out on your state capitol's doorstep.  It has happened in a number of states and they are only LOOKING for a perfectly good example.  Remember the videos of guys clubbing the baby fur seals?  They are still using that video today.

Never once had a buyer even comment on a head shot hole.