Author Topic: Can i hunt deer with this?  (Read 6939 times)

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Offline bowsandroses

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Re: Can i hunt deer with this?
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2013, 12:42:09 am »
And remember all warnings apply regardless of bow weight and design. Especially sharp broad heads and distance. I would say these plus lack of practice is the three most common mistakes made by both novice and seasoned bow hunters. A dull blade will actually push blood vessels out of its way rather than severing causing low blood loss and long sufferings. The greater distance one shoots the greater the window of error.
My two cents worth of wisdom
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Offline Cyrille

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Re: Can i hunt deer with this?
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2013, 02:18:55 am »
To the best of my knowledge the string has nothing to do with the Draw weight of the bow... It's the limbs you can have a 58" bow that will draw anywhere from a low of say 20lbs or as high as 70# depends on the limbs, not on the string, the same with a 60", 62", or 66" bow  The draw weight also depends on the inches the draw length is. most bowyers use  the 28" DL to set the bow poundage if a bow is set at say 50# @ 28" and the archer's  DL is less than 28" the bow's poundage will decrease if more than 28" the bow's poundage will increase.
To Hunt, to loose, "perchance to dream."*
 Cyrille Troubadour & Archer.

* Paraphrasing Shakespeare's Hamlet

Offline Traxx

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Re: Can i hunt deer with this?
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2013, 12:26:29 am »
God i hate these threads.They are allways filled with theories and speculation,mostly by those who have never used a 35 lb bow on deer.They allways focus on the draw weight,without any specifics like bow efficiency draw length or other pertinent variables.I could go into detail and debate the subject,but quite frankly im tired of it.So...i will just say yes,a 35lb bow can easily kill deer sized game.It can and has been done by many,over countless years.The most reliable hunter i ever knew,who probly killed more deer than anyone on this thread,used a 35 lb bow,to fill his freezer and those of other families yearly.There are a lot more variables to killing deer,than the bows draw weight.

Offline johnston

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Re: Can i hunt deer with this?
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2013, 02:53:58 am »
Gotta agree with Traxx. There are just so many things that are more important
than raw draw weight. Accuracy trumps all because if you can't hit it you can't
kill it. And while I have no intent to be rude, it seems to me that if you thought
a string tweak could jump poundage then most likely you haven't put in the time
required to be accurate enough to shoot at an animal.