Clint, same here man, shoot me a pm with your address. I got an arrow picked out for you from this past year ready to ship to.
I also got to meet pearlie, Blackhawk, pappy, ridgerunner, beadman, raghorns, Gary Davis, will, Greg b, gun doc, badly bent, misslemaster,pat b, calandergirl, and I know a few others but the moonshine prevents me from remembering.
. Im sorry if I left you out. I know mullet was there as well as matt wiriwicki but I never got to introduce myself. There is always next year.
I did get some rock from a trade with will and some buckthorn from Cody and Greg that I'm looking forward to and I think everyone got some wax from pearlies ears. It's just a shame pearlie was afraid of melting in the rain and had to leave before the toilet bowl knap off. Here are the only pics I got to take because my battery was always dead on my phone. Thanks again everyone!