Del: Thank you! looking at the pictures, i think i would have to agree with you about the outer limbs.
Chamookman: thank you! working up to this draw weight has been a long time coming.
MWirwicki: thank you! its plenty strenuous on this end too

i have altered the post to omit the questionable statement.
lostarrow: haha thank you! what kind of detail shots are you looking for? i can post some tonight.
Scott:thank you! the lady on the couch had a migraine
Zion: thank you!
Simson: thank you! now i just gotta find some horn nocks...
Pearl Drums: its an inch and a half wide at the handle. there is no trapping at the handle, and the width gently tapers from about 5 inches after the handle to 3/8ths inch nocks.