My belt sander has been squealing like a banshee for several years, I have to wear earmuffs when I first start it but it quiets down after it runs a while. It is much worse in cold weather.
Yesterday it was really sounding off, today I decided it was time to fix it. I had fixed the belt roller bearings before so was sure I would need to repeat the same repar.
Taking these sanders apart is a pain, lots of blind set screws you have to remove but can't see.
I tried every way to remove the sanding disc and drive pulley but couldn't get them to budge.
Then it hit me; "dummy you have a puller somewhere". I have so many tools that some get lost in the shuffle and forgotten about. After digging through a bunch of drawers I found it.
With the pulley puller I got everything apart easily.

When I got everything apart I spun the roller, the bearings were OK, dang, a lot of work for nothing.
I started the motor with the belts off and found my banshee, it was in the motor bearing.
I have never changed a bearing out in one of these motors but what the heck, I will either destroy the motor or fix it so off I go.

I used my puller to get the bearing off the shaft and it would barely turn. I will pick up another in town tomorrow.