What I do today? Lemme see...Oh yeah! I took my flintlock .60 caliber smoothbore for a six mile walk in the woods. Some folks would have thought that what with all the camo and all, I was turkey hunting. No, certainly not. That would have required TURKEYS. Apparently, the spot I went thru suffered a multigenerational genocide of the entire Gallipavo family! I got all excited, thinking I had found gobbler poop, but it was just a stubbed out butt of a Pall Mall cigarette.
However, I did find a nice 3-4 acre meadow at the top of a ridgeline. It was crisscrossed with deer trails. Every 30 yards there was a large ponderosa pine overlooking a saddle, a trail, or a funnel. There were signs of last year's scrapes and they were pretty big. Plus, there were a dozen or so smaller trees that had been rubbed to death! I definitely wanna get back here for deer season this fall! Gonna try to pick up tree stands this summer at yard and garage sales! Oh yeah!