Roughed out another red oak blank for a really light horsebow as a movie prop. Got a call from a game warden that had a report of a bald eagle down in a pasture. Went out and collected a large female(?) baldie without any apparent injuries. Got her some subcutaneous fluids and arranged for her to get a ride to the state capital where a federally licensed rehabber will take care of fixing her up.
Then this evening at work I get a call from a guy that says he found an eagle with a broken wing about two miles up a hiking trail high in the Black Hills. Seeing how I gotta be at work in the morning, I am prolly going out tonite in the dark to find her and pack her out. What with the near full moon and the mountain lions, I may just pack my .45 as a security blankie. With my crap-toast shooting skills I am more in danger than the kitty, but oh well.
When it rains it pours.