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What Did You Do Today?

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Eric Krewson:
There will never be an accurate set of test trials by the pharmaceutical community for anything that is readily available and free.

I have watched a bunch of herbalist videos about poke weed, leaves, roots and berries. They all say the parts are beneficial if used properly but like wild mushrooms, you had better research what you are doing before you jump in.

thankyou for the info
Phitolacca americana is an invasive species around here and is quite new
It's in rapid expansion tough

Eric Krewson:
I planted my winter greens patch 3 days ago and found this today; amazing. I had the best seed bed ever this year moisture wise and rain right after I planted.

My food plot isn't up yet but is covered up with deer tracks, time to energize the plot, I run a combination of three extension cords from the house to my charger. I use the fence to keep the deer out of the plot until the wheat, oats and rye has time to grow and establish itself, without the fence the deer would eat the small seedlings to the ground as soon as they come up.

I replaced one T post that I ran over with my tractor bucket and broke off while tilling the plot and a bunch of insulators that got brittle and broke. I use recycled fence wire that is spliced in a dozen places where the deer have run through it, usually during the rut.

I finally got everything in order and plugged up my charger, deer beware. I have them all trained from encountering my energized garden fence, when they hear the charger clicking, they know to stay away.

I was curious if they would get trained and then not want to cross where fence was after you turned off the fencer.

I remember we had a pen for freshening heifers that had a spot where we could use a “handy gate” to hold the wire and take it down. It was great for the tractor but the heifers wouldn’t cross it to save their lives. We ended up having to mount a traditional gate that they would pass through.

Of course there was alway the oddball that would figure out the moment you turned off the fence and then knock down the fence.


Looking good Eric, finely getting some much needed rain here, maybe to much, calling for 4/5 inches over the next 24 hours, but we did need some for sure. I don't usually put out food plots but wished I had this year, the mass crop is almost 0,would have been a good year for one that's for sure. :)


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