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What Did You Do Today?

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Nice find on the lathe tools!

We celebrated the 4th with a wildfire around our little town! It was hot and fast. Google French Fire, CA if you wanna take a look. We had no commercial power for two days. Thank goodness for a generator. Major highway was closed for a bit. I think containment is going up. If things had been a little different, we could have lost parts of our town.

Not the kind of fireworks people would want for sure. From what I’ve read it seems they have a handle on it, for now anyway. Also read that no one has been injured badly.
Hopefully the firefighters will get it put out soon.
Still hoping to make a trip out there soon.

Eric Krewson:
I have been reading and watching videos about using poke berries to eliminate arthritis, I have a trusted friend who has used them with great results.

I eat poke salat every year but have shied away from the mature plant and its berries. I am going to try this folksy remedy cautiously by eating only one berry first to see how I tolerate them.

I started gathering the berries a few days ago and freezing them, most of the berries are still green but I found a few plants that had some ripe ones.

Never heard that Eric, we eat the salad but was always told the berries were poisonous , we did paint of faces with them as kids.  ;) :) :) Let me know how that goes, got plenty around here.

Eric Krewson:
This guy has a bunch of videos about poke berries.


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