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What Did You Do Today?

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Pat B:
Congratulations, Ben. Quite an accomplishment.  :OK

Congrats, lots can't say that. Ya supposed to be in the 80's here today, then storms and cooler, never know in April/May in Tennessee.

Thanks all for the well wishes. There were a few times my wife was in some pretty serious circumstance, I wasn't sure we would get here. Was near 80 at home today with a scant threat of thunderstorms in the forecast.

Congratulations to you and the Mrs, Ben.  Mrs. Badger and I are coming up on 20 years in a couple months, and we generally still like each other, so we're calling it a win.  Some of you guys make me feel like a youngster!

Yesterday was a pretty full day.  Started out with a walk up the hill with the Badgerling, looking over the big elk herd that's hanging out on the edge of town and scouting the foothills from a distance for promising bow-wood.  Got three out of the four garden beds cleaned out, weeded, dug, and ready for planting.  Dug a bunch of dandelion roots with the Badgerling and roasted them to try dandelion "coffee." 

After a nap, I finished up a herculean shop/garage organization/clean out, with better bow and accessory storage, and the tillering tree mounted to a stud right next to my work bench.  Then watched a little TV with Mrs. Badger and processed a few stalks of dogbane for future projects, and ended the day with a walk down to my buddy's place for a nice Scottish ale and some campfire time.  (My favorite hunting partner is also the master brewer at our local establishment.  How's that for a good situation?)

Today, we're going to visit our old "big church" for a special Bible study they're doing that sounds interesting, then meet with our normal "house church" for further spiritual goodies, then lunch with some friends.  Hoping to get a juniper kid's bow finished up or close to it today.  We have a house showing tomorrow so I'm sure Mrs. Badger will be calling out the troops to get things cleaned up nice, too.

Whew.  Looking forward to going back to work Monday so I can get a little rest!   ;D

Eric Krewson:
I got my garden in, this year I planted about half what I planted last year, last year I ran myself ragged trying to give my excess stuff away. I canned enough beans and made enough pickles last year to last me for several years so I didn't plant beans or cucumbers this year.

I have my ground really built up to the point I don't need to use fertilizer but I do add a litter for insurance. My neighbor's ground is poor and things grow poorly. He asked if he could plant tomatoes to can on the unused part of my garden. I told him to have at it knowing that I would end up taking care of his plants in the long run because he is out of town for weeks at a time. My neighbor planted 24 tomato plants that he grew from seed, his pants are only an inch tall but I suspect most of them will do OK.

The plastic is to keep the weeds at bay from all of the tons of manure applications over the years, the electric fence is a must because of the deer population.


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