Pretty sure you can pull the front trigger on a TC and cock it soundlessly then release the front trigger while holding the hammer back. You still have to set it but the set has less of a click. You can set it off without setting it by pulling the front trigger but the trigger pull will be hard. You can go completely to the front trigger by adjusting the little screw between the triggers. I owned at least 6 TC rifles but that was along time ago and I may have my facts mixed up about the lock cocking operation.
My flintlock .54 has a single trigger, I can pull the trigger and cock it without a sound. When I sit on a stand I cock my rifle and put a leather cover over the fritzen so it can't spark. Lots easier to flip the leather frizzen stall off than to try to cock a rifle with a deer headed your way.

I am retiring my .54 until I work some bugs out of it's operation. I will be using my .44 which has a lightning fast lock and ignition, deer never drop out from under it. I built the .54 so in the past it has had priority.
My .44 has a double set single phase trigger, you can't cock the hammer unless you set the trigger first. This was a rifle mainly for target use by the builder where setting the trigger wasn't a problem. Sitting in a treestand with a cocked lock with a hair trigger is kind of iffty. I have a frizzen cover for this rifle and sometimes put a toothpick in the touchole as well.