I have these days every now and then I call bozo days, nothing goes right.
I loaded my truck and got to where CR47 meets CR43 and realized I left my bow at home, went back home to get it. I parked just up the Hamm hill and walked most of the way up quietly. I was walking steady because I had some angina this morning during my walk around the TVA trail and wanted to pull the Hamm hill as a test to see if it came back, it didn’t. So, I am just cresting the hill looking down, not looking at the plot on top and deer went everywhere, I was actually close enough for a shot if I had seen them ahead of time and slipped up on them, I think there were 5 of them.
I got in my stand and realize it had a slight forward lean that I didn’t notice when I put it up, when I sat down I slid off the front of the seat. I fixed the seat lean by wrapping a cinch strap around its contact points and raising it up.
I left my safety harness tether in my truck because I hook to the life line and never unhook. This time my life line wouldn’t hardly let me draw my bow, it was too far around the tree and I had it tied tight at the base of the tree and couldn’t move it without getting down. I finally lowered my tether cinch and got a reasonable amount of body movement.
Didn’t see any deer in the stand, getting down, I decided to add another cinch strap to my climbing pole as it was a little wobbly. I cinched up the strap, gave it a good pull toward me and it broke. Had I not had a good grip with my left hand on the pole I would have seen how good my harness and lifeline performed.
I drove home real carefully…………..