This is going to sound odd for sure; I was picking corn a couple of weeks ago, wearing shorts like a dummy when a packsaddle nailed me on the leg. No big deal as I have been stung a bunch of times before by the rascals but this time it was different. For one I am now taking Plavix blood thinner so my body isn't resilient like it once was and two, this one kept stinging me or at least it felt like it was long after I left the garden.
After being restung for a couple of days I decided the beast had left a spine or two in me, I scraped the area with my pocket knife, the stinging continued.
Yesterday I read that one is supposed to blot the area with scotch tape to remove any spines,I did and the stinging continued. Now my leg is going numb from the knee down.
Today I stopped by Walmart and picked up one of those bikini wax kits and used it on the affected area. After the first pass, which made a bare spot on my leg, I looked closely at the area and saw a tiny black hair like thing, not more than 1/64" long, sticking out of my skin. Another pass with the wax strip got it. I sure hope that was the offending spine, the leg still feels abnormal but Plavix makes one heal at a snails pace.