I took the Black Hills Raptor Center on the road today to the Hot Springs Veterans Administration Hospital.
I got to meet some damn fine vets. I got to talk with them, show them raptors up close, tell really bad jokes, and tell them that I appreciate them. I got to meet staff there that could probably make much better wages in the private sector, but they care too much to walk away from the people that need them.
Dunno if you have a VA Hospital nearby, but if you do and you are not working with their volunteer services coordinator, you are missing the boat. Repost a hundred of those chain letter "I love my vets" posts of you want, but they don't hold water. Not when there are men and women that fought and bled for your country, now are hanging on by a thread at a VA facility miles from home. Just make a call, go visit, spend an afternoon or an evening shooting the breeze with them. It's worth more than any million "Likes".