After I came in from a morning hunt I went and rebuilt one of my blinds , with the rain moving in tonight it should wash all my activity away and be ready to hunt .
This blind I in a point of trees that splits my food plot , this should get me in range now , the old brush blind had started to collapse and the new blind is a lot bigger and is covere with one of those heavy black truck tarps , with two small openings and one larger one should give me a chance to get into position for a shot without being seen .
Also a friend of mine in Kansas ( also one of the guys that taught me how to build bows) took a doe today with a rattan bow , this is the same material we make the kids bows that we give away at OJAM , Ralph also took a turkey with another rattan bow last week .
We were working on some rattan kids bows for the outdoor expo and talked about how strong some of the bows were , at the expo a couple of the bows were well over 50# so they sat them back , one ended up at 45# at 26" after tillering and the other 50# at 26" , just shows how serious we are when we tell parents that just because we call them kids bows doesn't mean they are toys they are real bows.