Great time with Mr. Carter last weekend in Boerne. The wives had a "girls day" shopping, doing their thing, our boys got to get their "X-box" on, and Mr. Carter and I did what we like to do. We sat outside in the shade of my big Live Oaks for the entire day, each working on our projects. Curt was working down some Dogwood shafts for arrows and I am piddling with a Persimmon stave to see if I can extract a bow from the twisted mess. I swear that some hours went by where not a word was spoken between us. Some would find that a bit strange. Curt and I don't count ourselves among them. We had plenty of conversation the night before, and dinner later at Randoms with our families would be filled with all manner of chatter. This time was just for the guys, and not much needed to be said really. That's when you know for sure, your spending time with a true friend.