What a day, I had the trunks of three big oaks cut to firewood length sitting in my yard. Happiness is having a friend with a 25 ton log splitter who will let me borrow it. I started splitting wood yesterday and got back after it at 8am this morning, got about two cords split. Most of this wood was too big in diameter to lift onto the splitter so I had to turn the splitter vertical and roll each section into the splitter while on my knees, very tiring.

I like to do nice things for folk so I gave the wood to a good friend who is planning to heat his gun shop with wood this winter.
Well, I have several friends who burn wood and plan to stock them all up for the winter. I have about a dozen more trees to cut to make a fire lane/buffer zone between my house and the woods. So, I cut another large oak, It took all day to cut, split and pile up the wood as well as burn the top in a brush pile. When I finished with the wood at 5pm it was blueberry picking time, picked two gallons and went in the house at 7:30PM.
It is nice to know that this 66 year old old dude can still put in an honest days work, now pass the Advil......