That sure sounds like an interesting meal Mullet. You didn't say if you liked it or not.
Well, that free donkey has cost me two days of vacation and over $200. It turns out him and the pony can't get along enough to share the small barn. The donkey usually takes control of it and the pony and the stupid goat are left outside. The wife was worried about them getting to cold or wet. We are having a pretty cold and snowy winter. We wanted to build a lean-to off of the side of the barn this spring. I went ahead and built the roof and leaned it up against the barn for a temporary shelter. Now they can all have a place to get out of the weather. When it warms up I'm going to set some posts and build some walls to make a better lean-to. For right now its enough to make the wife happy which makes my life a lot easier.

I did get a little time in the shop tonight. I put a bendy handle bow on the caul. I added a little extra reflex.

As I was working on the end of the limb there was a loud pop that caused me to jump. I thought one of my clamps had broke or something. I looked everything over and found a crack in the handle. It doesn't look to bad. I filled it with superglue. I don't think it will be much of a problem.