Went hunting, saw one doe at a distance. On my way home after dark I caught a flash of deer getting hit by the car in the opposite lane. The car knocked the deer into my lane and it went under my truck, being an F250 and high up, the deer only bumped a little passing under my truck.
I could see the deer on the ground looking around in my rear view mirror so I pulled off the road and backed up to the deer. It couldn't get up so I decided to take it home with me. No rules about not picking up road kill where I live. I gave the deer a couple of pokes in the lungs with my knife, it expired quickly.
I loaded it up and took it home. My little deer hoist is some of the best money I ever spent.
I gutted the deer at home and found the guts were intact, no body cavity damage at all which is a good sign.
I will skin the deer tomorrow and check for more damage. It appears the deer had a shattered front leg and a displaced vertebra in its neck, skinning will reveal any more meat damage.