Were off to a good start! Great postings and love hearing about the happening of everyone.
Pat, A log truck load of hard wood logs,,,,,,,,you animal. Between you and Charlie there will be a new gold rush started
Roy batching it ! Now there is a whole picture in just a few words.
Pearl those are some great looking curves. That's got the makings of a great bow
Bob. Glad you like the stave. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make from her.
Sadie Good luck with your job hunt. This area is leading the Nation in the micro brew world, and there are brewerys everywhere now. One of the leading locals just came out with a new batch called (Rocky Mountain Oster Stout) They add Bull testicules to give the unique flavor. No joke just watched it on TV add. The were lowering a big sack of nuts in the batch. Try watching that while drinking your coffee