Today I got to talk bows and arrows with strangers for 4 hours. The local tourism office promotes "First Fridays" where they have a small festival on the first Friday of every summer month. This was the second year they asked me to come and set up. The theme this month was William Tell. They had an archery range set up for kids to shoot. They were raising money for the NASP. There was supposed to be somebody making arrows but he didn't show up. I set up a table with several finished bows and arrows and some other stuff to draw peoples attention. I had a couple bows that were in progress as well as some hunting arrows I was working on. On one side of me was a band playing some rockabilly, blues, oldies, and jazz. They could really play. I looked over at one point and the bass player had it laying on its side and he was standing on top of it strumming away. On the other side of me was an old hit and skip motor that they were using to make ice cream. The people there were very interested in what I had on display. A snake skin backed bow really catches peoples eye. I had a few guys that inquired about making their own bow. One guy talked to me for a long time about sinew backing a bow. He has made a couple of bows but wants to learn how to apply sinew. He tans a lot of deer hides so we worked out a trade, he shows me how to tan a hide and I'll show him how to back a bow. I had a great evening. My Dad was with me and he enjoyed it as much as I did.