Back in the 70s my wife(at the time) son and I hunted arrowheads almost every weekend. We had a boat and would motor up the Tn river, stopping at shell mounds washed out of the river bank and roam the plowed bean fields along the river.
We collected a pile of stuff, tools, points, pottery shards, a few pots and a host of scrapers, crude knives and such.
Often we threw our finds in a bucket, mud and all and never looked at them again, until yesterday. Yep, yesterday.
I carried about 50 pounds of artifacts from the attic to my shop and set up a table to sort what we had found so many years ago. My now 45 year old son was up from Austin to help, I wanted to pass on the good stuff to him.
It took hours, I wish I had taken pictures, so many valuable pieces emerged from the dusty boxes, hundreds of perfect points dating all the way back to paleo, celts, axes, awls, everything.
He left this morning with the collection, I am so glad he is interested in the artifacts. I am sure he will pass the collection on to my granddaughter, who at 8 is very interested in archeology.