I have a lot to say please don't take anything as a threat ,challenge, insult I want to help,,,first to answer your question a three foot hard wood broom stick and a rap on the bridge of the nose will do it,,if you don't have the nerve try stamp collecting!! You owe that animal respect and quick dispatch!! you owe fellow trappers respect you need to learn how to use your catch pole and cull a non prime animal,,,we (Trappers) don't need to be seen pounding the crap out of a trapped animal!! we don't need to be seen shooting many holes into a trapped animal,, you need to not be seen at all it isn't pretty but it's fair you shouldn't have any need for a non prime fur bearer!! or any non target animal ,,,when you use the stick method there is a what I call a kick out time it's tough to watch ,,,,But you made the choice ,,you could have let the animal go,,,I carry a couple burlap feed bags sewn together as to calm things down,,also helps with culling use like a blanket ,,make a catch pole and learn to use it!!! I can release a skunk most of the time with no spray (not all the time

) I really hope I don't sound bad but you are on the right track and there are many here far more qualified than me to help,, good luck sorry I got on my soap box but trapping is a great thing and it has helped me in more way$$ than fresh air,, lets all have a great time out doors and thanks for letting me vent!! JeffW and btw I choose foot holds for these above reasons