OK, I need some serious help.... Advice on this bow would be nice too...
Well, I just finished roughing out my first hickory flatbow - I'm building it from a board as a learning experience. So far it's roughed out and has been gone over with 80 grit paper, but no nocks yet. It does bend fairly heavy against the floor, so I've got a lot of wiggle room with the dimensions so far.
Here's my problem - I just finished reading through my copy of The Bent Stick, and I had bought this board before getting it, so I had picked up the board without really knowing what to look for in grain orientation. On one of the limbs, I've got 3 rings that run off the edge - the rest of the bow, the rings run parallel.
Can this be fixed with a linen backing? Or should I doom this hickory stick to cooking my steaks next weekend?
Since the rest of the board that I got this from is about the same as this, could I back the next one with a proper hickory backing strip (say from 3 Rivers) and make a good bow with it?