Just finished my Mary Rose bow tonight. It's 79" ntn, and has a cross section of 41x36mm at the grip.
At 32" it is drawing 115#. It has of course got sidenocks, with extra notches for a stringer.
It had 1,2" natural stringfollow, and has followed the string 2,4" now.
I got it from a local park (with permission

) and it has been growing very fast, plus the stave was only thick enough to make a two-split. So it has very little heartwood,
It's been drying for two and a half year.
On the picture where it is on the tiller, it is drawn to 27". And I see that it turned around between the brace- and "full"-draw. Sorry about that.
The other to-be bow is going to be a 77" 70# Nydam-inspired longbow.