i started out with six maple and dogwood shoots.
cut dried and they were almost all the way scraped...
next i had to heat straighten them...
now the shafts are ready to be cut all to the same length,and i made sure that the nock and the point end were very close to matching sizes...
then i marked my starting points for my self nocks, here i used a hacksaw blade with tape to score and a tile blade to finish the cut...
now i sand the inside a little...and dress it up...
i previously cut and stripped right wing turkey feathers the night before....
stripped and chewed a little of last years deer backstrap sinew..
fletched them up and added wraps at the fore and aft of feather, and also rienforced the nock...
and now for the buisness end. i just marka common distance...from end of my finger to first joint, then i draw a circle in the center of the shoot so i do NOT REMOVE THIS AREA!
and start removing wood.
and thats what im working on now.whew.